Third arrest made in Pilot Point Turkey Case Monday Article about Bob Fowler, Amos Fowler, and Zelon Stewart's arrest and charge of Turkey theft
Out of Total of 57 Cases of Mob Murder Lone Star State Leads With Total of 18; Lynchings Occur in Only Nine States Article about Texas leading the Nation in Lynchings
Lynched as Warning Article about the Ku Klux Klan warning to loafers after 2 negroes were taken from jail and lynched
Klansmen Stage Parade Before a Huge Crowd Here Article discussing the Denton Ku Klux Klan marching in McKinney, Texas
Former Texan New Wizard of KKK Article about Dr. HW Evans (Dentist from Dallas) now Imperial Wizard of the Klan
200 initiated at Klan Ceremonial Article about a McKinney Klan initiation: 200 people were initiated, a band, a fiery cross, and more were involved
Konclave Article about Denton and Dallas county Klan taking part in open air Kloncave east of Prosper, Texas
Movie Showing Advertisement about DW Griffith's "Orphan of the Storm" Showing at Denton
Officers Break up Negro Party Article about how Officers Alexander, Gage, and Brown of Wise County joined Denton police to break up Negro gambling party
They'll Fight the Ku Klux Klan Article about the Invisible Jungle, Knights of the Tiger's Eye formed to combat Ku Klux Klan
Local News in Brief Article discussing a National Guard Drill in Denton Thursday night at 7pm
No Complaints Filed for Visit to Negro Meeting Article discussing how No complaints were listed for the Klan visit to Negro meeting
Inquiry into Masked visit to Negro Meeting not Finished Article discussing how 6 klansmen went to negro "Holy Roller" meeting, inquiry not finished
Denton Klan Initiation Held in Field Near Town Tuesday Article discussing a Denton Klan initiation; 200 people were initiated
Denton Prisoner Makes His Escape from Prison Farm Article discussing how Elmer Scott (From Denton) escaped from a Prison farm in Houston
City Marshal Gets Threatening Letter Article discussing how Joe Young received a threatening letter for allowing white visitors to attend negro "Holy Roller" meeting
Klan Visitors at Roanoke Revival leave $17 Donation Newspaper Article discussing the 7 klansmen from Ft Worth visiting Roanoke methodist church (rev. Mr Oliver, and Rev EA Drew)
Roundabout Town Article discussing WF Egan being visited by the Denton Klan and given $25
Negro Painfully Injured Sunday afternoon at depot Article discussing Edgar Watson being treated for 3 wounds on his head and another wound on neck; attacked by white man: charges filed against Benny Baggett
Klansmen Visit Church at Stony; Leaving Donation Article discusses a $20 Donation from Klan for Rev TR Bowles after Ku Klux Klan visits his church in Stony
Rev WC McClung Preaches to Large Crowd of Students Article discussing "Student Night" hosted at First Baptist Church; Reverend WC McClung preached
Klan Initiates Near Denton Article discussing a Ku Klux Klan Initiation north of Denton; 100 people initiated
Interesting Masonic Service at Pilot Point for August 30 Article discussing WC Barickman's movie, "The Brotherhood of Man" and movie "A Citizen and His Government" service
McKinney Klan Initiation Tonight Article of Ku Klan Klan Initiation north of Plano at Bowman's stop
Principles of Klan Defended by Speaker before large crowd Article discussing Dr. WA Hamlett's defending of Klan values