Odd Fellows' Picnic at Sanger Draws Fair Crowds Article discussing the 3 day IOOF picnic in Sanger, Texas
Ku Klux Klan Advertisement Ku Klux Klan Advertisement of WA Hamlett Speaking in Denton on August 4, 1922
Gambling Arrest Article discussing the arrest of six Negroes for gambling. Arrested by Sheriff James Goode
Two Youths Found Under tabernacle being held Article discussing how two youths poked a lady with a stick and were arrested at Methodist tabernacle by Sherriff John Brock, and City Marshall Joe A Young
KKK order Discards its regalia Article discussing the Ku Klux Klan unmasking orders in Atlanta, Georgia
Dallas Klansman Unmasked Celebrate State and Local Victories in Primary Vote Article discussing the unmasking of 3,000 people in massive Dallas Ku Klux Klan parade
Little Smith Headstone Headstone of Little Smith
Threaten Man for his Activity against Klan Newspaper article discussing how the Ku Klux Klan threatened man, Klan tactics (calls, intruding, etc)
Baptist Workers Return from Lewisville Meeting Article discussing how Rev Will C. McClung and John B Crockett came back to Dallas from Lewisville Baptist Church
Local News in Brief Article discussing the escape of Oscar White, his recapture, and his return to road gang
Denton People go to Dallas for Initiation Newspaper Article discussing how JM Owens and others from Denton went to Dallas Klan initiation
McKinney Ku Klux Klan McKinney Ku Klux Klan Held initiation Tuesday night
Dallas Negro Held in Jail Article discussing Reuben Coxen being held in jail on charge of burglary and attempted criminal assault
Knights of Columbus in Texas Politics Article discussing the Ku Klux Klan in politics in Texas
Elm Creek Bridge to be Open July 4th Article discussing the Elm Creek Bridge (Over Denton-Sherman Highway) opening
Two Arrests Made in Liquor Raid Thursday Afternoon Article discussing a liquor raid in the Northwest Part of Denton county, 4-5 gallons of whiskey were found by Sherriff James Goode
Rev. J. Sam Barcus to Speak to Confederates Article discussing how Pastor of First Methodist Church Speaks to members of Sul Ross Camp
Dallas Klan May Decide to is Rumor in Dallas Today Unmask at Meeting Tonight Article discussing the Ku Klux Klan unmasking in Dallas
Confederate Reunion Fund Still Grows Article discussing how more people, people who gave funds to the Confederate reunion: JM Vivion, Hall Print Shop, Vernin Crownlow, Vernon Cash, and HR Lyon, RL West
Denton Vets Have Chance For Reunion Article discussing how Denton Ex-Confederates have chance of reunion
Newspaperman is Taken out to see Klan Initiation Newspaper article discussing how 25-30 men were initiated into the Klan Thursday night on Elm Fork Bridge, around 300 or 400 people present, lasted 2 hours
Geo. Frizzell Makes Bond in Assault to Murder Case Article discussing George Frizzel; released on bond of $1,000 after trying to murder an African American man
Henry Says he is a Member of KKK Article discussing how RL Henry, a candidate for senate, is a member of the Ku Klux Klan
Dallas Klan Will Not Disband Now Article discussing how the Klan will not be disbanding in Dallas
Churches Directory of churches and pastors in the surrounding area