No Evidence of Ku Klux Klan in City Newspaper article about the rumors of the Ku Klux Klan in Denton is unverified
Thirty Ft. Worth Dokeys to visit Pythian Lodge here Thursday Evening Newspaper article discussing how the Fort Worth Dokeys are Scheduled to visit Elm Lodge No. 30 Knights of Pythias Thursday night, June 30, 1921
Fort Worth Dokeys to Visit KP Lodge Thursday Evening Newspaper article discussing how 25-30 members of the D.O.K.K. will visit the Knights of Pythias lodge in Little Elm, Texas Thursday Evening June 23, 1921
Dallas Ku Klux Klan Information Information about how the Dallas Ku Klux Klan trying to make Dallas a law abiding place again by whipping people and giving them feathers and tar to wear
AD Turner Tax Roll for 1883, 1894, and 1895 Possible Ku Klux Klan initiation site: the AD Turner survey
The American Legion Picnic Newspaper excerpt discussing how American Legion is arranging a picnic in Denton, Texas for July 4th, 1921 to celebrate World War One veterans
Dallas Band applies whip to Ed Engers Newspaper article discussing the whipping of Ed Engers (20 lashes) for allegedly being mean to wife, warned to leave town
"Do You Believe in White Supremacy?" Newspaper Advertisement Advertisement for The Searchlight newspaper; a newspaper about white supremacy
"Uncle Bill" Arch, Pioneer Negro Citizen and Ex-Slave Dead at age of Eighty-Seven Newspaper article discussing the death of an African American man named. Uncle Bill. He was respected by many white people in Denton County
Ku-Klux Broke Up Dallas's Man's Plan for his Honeymoon Newspaper article discussing how the Ku Klux Klan broke up John Moore's Honeymoon after he was arrested for assault on a 12 year old girl and whipped.
White Man at Dallas Whipt by Masked Man Newspaper article discussing how the Klan kidnapped John Moore and whipped after released from jail on charge of aggravated assault on a white 12 year old girl
Thousand Knights of Ku Klux Klan Parade in Dallas Newspaper excerpt discussing a Dallas KKK parade. The parade took place to silently demonstrate their strength
Klan's Goal as Told by SA Dowdell Newspaper excerpt discussing how the Klan is making life difficult in South Texas, according to S.A. Dowdell
Masked men at Dallas take Negro Bellboy, give him flogging and brand him with "KKK" across forehead Newspaper article discussing how Alex Johnson was flogged and branded after talking to white women
Ku-Klux-Klan Gathers for Celebration: Many States Represented Article discussing National Klan gathering in Alabama. Texas is possibly represented
Gainesville will Have Ku Klux Klan Newspaper article discussing a possible crime wave in Gainesville, Texas and resulting in new chapter of the Klan being organized on January 12, 1921
1920s KKK induction Questions Questions from the Ku Klux Klan to potential members
Masked Men Lynch Slayer of Policeman Newspaper article discussing how Tom Vickery was taken from Tarrant County Jail and hanged by 25 masked men
Southern View of Northern Racism Excerpt from the Denton Record-Chronicle discussing Northern Racism
Ku Klux Klan now has Chapters in About all States Newspaper article discussing how Col. WJ Simmons (Imperial Wizard) says the Klan is everywhere
Negro Brought here Charged with Burglary of Farm House Newspaper article about Jessie Goodwin being brought to Denton, charged with burglary
Reverend Charles A Loveless will give lecture on Fraternalism Newspaper article discussing how Reverend Charles A Loveless, Cardinal of Columbian WOW will give a lecture on "Fraternalism" on Thursday, April 15, 1920
Reverend Charles A Loveless lectures of Fraternalism Newspaper article discussing how Reverend Charles A Loveless, Cardinal of Columbian WOW gave a lecture on "Fraternalism"
JD Alexander dies Newspaper article discussing how the WOW organizer, JD Alexander of Garland died, according to WA Matthews, Clerk of Denton WOW
Three Men Arrested Here; Two are Wanted in Ft. Worth Newspaper article discussing how three men were arrested and two were believed to be wanted in Ft. Worth. One of the men said his name was Billy Hare. Tom Price was the Watchman