William Sparks winning the Primary William Sparks winning the Democratic Primary in his bid to be re-elected to Sheriff of Denton County.
William Sparks Sheriff Re-election Notice Notice detailing William Sparks' bid to remain Sheriff of Denton County
Ex-Sheriffs of Denton County Picturing showing all the ex-sheriffs of Denton County that were able to attend the photo.
Application for Headstone of William "Bill" Franklin Egan Application to place a headstone at the grave of an unmarked Confederate Soldier, William F. Egan.
William "Bill" Franklin Egan Headstone Headstone for William Frankling Egan
Robert Henry Hopkins Census Record Robert Henry Hopkins Census Record
Robert Henry Hopkins Tombstones Robert Henry Hopkins Tombstones
Robert Henry Hopkin's Death Certificate Death Certificate Robert Henry
Robert Henry Hopkins, Brother at Arms Denton Record Chronicle article detailing the death of J.R. Lucy, who was a comrade of Robert H. Hopkins in the Spanish American War.
Marriage Record for Dallas Clark Record detailing the marriage of Dallas Clark and Inez Vanfleet in Denton County.
1880 United States Federal Census for Dallas Clark Census Records detailing property for Dallas Clark in 1880.
Dallas Clark, New Sheriff of Denton County Newspaper clipping reporting the appointment Dallas Clark to Sheriff
Klan and I.O.O.F. Meeting Advertisement Newspaper advertisement in the Denton Record-Chronicle which shows Tuesday night meetings at 7:30pm for both the Denton Klan and the I.O.O.F.
Homestead of Hezekiah Griffin Location of the Home of Hezekiah Griffin and Family
Williamson Family Homestead Homestead of the Williamson Family.
St. John's Cemetery St. John's Cemetery is located in the Edward Powell Survey
1865 Tax Assessment Denton County Tax Assessment of Denton County in 1865 depicts property of Francis Davis, showing a lack of slaves.
1864 Tax Assessment Denton County Tax Assessment of Denton County in 1864 depicts property of Francis Davis, including slaves.
1863 Tax Assessment Denton County Tax Assessment of Denton County in 1863 depicts property of Francis Davis, including slaves.
1862 Tax Assessment Denton County Tax Assessment of Denton County in 1862 depicts property of Francis Davis, including slaves.
1861 Tax Assessment Denton County Tax Assessment of Denton County in 1861 depicts property of Francis Davis, including slaves.
1860 Tax Assessment Denton County Tax Assessment of Denton County in 1860 depicts the property of Francis Davis
African American men, women, and children in front of southern churches. Photographs depicting multiple southern African American churches and their parishioners.
St. James Baptist Church Photograph of the St. James Baptist Church in Pilot Point, Texas
Mt. Pilgrim Christian Methodist Episcopalian Church Photograph of the Mt. Pilgrim Christian Methodist Episcopalian Church in Denton, Texas.