Criminal Docker Article stating the sentence of Gordon Docker and Roy Finch
Six Men Indicted by Grand Jury Under Bond or in Jail Article discussing the jail sentence of three Negro men: Harrison Chamber, Jessie Gooden, and Roy Finch
Escaped Negro Trusty at Dallas; Escaped to Farm Article discussing how after escaping to a poor farm, Buck Hembrey he was captured in Dallas and returned to Denton to finish his sentence, while Tom Ralls escaped and has not been found
Ransom Johnson Land Selling Excerpt about the selling of Ransom Johnson's land
Seven Known Dead Article discussing the killing of a Negro woman by a tornado
Ransom Johnson Land Selling Excerpt about the selling of Ransom Johnson's 2 acres of land from the Nathan Mitchell survey
Nelson Davis Arrest Article discussing the arrest of Nelson Davis for arson
Confederate Monument Article about the Denton Confederate monument
Jail Roster Article stating the Denton County jail roster; seven Negroes in jail
Jail Theft Article discussing the bond of $750 Frank Davis and Payton Newberry after being charged with robbery
Ransom Johnson Excerpt about Ransom Johnson selling 33-100 acres to JW Sites out of the WM Hunt Survey
Ransom Johnson Land Selling Excerpt about Ransom Johnson selling 64 acres to AP Coscgrove in the JF Smiley Survey
Horse Theft Article discussing Fred Burkes' guilty plea of horse theft
Meningitis Outbreak Article discussing the Meningitis outbreak in Pilot Point, Texas
Only Five in the Jail Article discussing the jail roster. John Williams and Ollie Majors are the only two African American men in the jail
Negroes Escape Lynching Article discussing the arrest and almost lynching of two unnamed Negro boys
Negro Arrest Article discussing the Dallas police arresting a Negro and the Negro moving to Denton
Negro Indicted at Denton Excerpt discussing the indictment of John Williams for killing his wife
$10,000 Bond Fixed Article about how John William's Bond is set at $10,000 for killing his wife
Jno. Williams is Captured Article discussing the capture of John Williams. He admitted to killing his wife
Negress Killed-Officers Searching for Husband Article discussing the death of Bessie Williams; police are looking for her husband, John Williams, who is accused of murdering her
Negress is Killed Article discussing Tom Rawls shooting Tilda Pitts
John Philips Arrest Article discussing the arrest of John Philips in Pilot Point on charge of highway robbery
Pilot Point Reunion Article discussing a Pilot Point Reunion being set for August 22-24, 1907
Arrested for Threatening Wife's Life Article discussing the arrest of George Ashley after a complain was filed on him by his wife. He is known for being badly hurt by a negro during a gambling game