DRC Headline October 21, 1921 Headline of Denton Record-Chronicle October 21, 1921
Pilot Point Old Jail Old jail in Pilot Point used from the 1880s until 1921.
Longview News-Journal: "Notice on Door Says Negroes Got What Was Coming" Longview News-Journal article about the lynching in Pilot Point on December 14, 1922. It also references the lynching on October 21, 1921.
DRC: "No Action Taken as Yet on Pilot Point Whipping" Denton Record-Chronicle article which describes the status of the investigation into the lynching in Pilot Point on October 21, 1921.
Saskatoon Daily Star: "Black Boys Whipped" Saskatoon Daily Star (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada) article about the lynching in Pilot Point on October 21, 1921.
Hot Springs New Era: "Negro Boys Flogged" Hot Springs New Era article about the lynching in Pilot Point on October 21, 1921.
Cincinnati Enquirer: "'Yes We Did It'" Cincinnati Enquirer article about the lynching in Pilot Point on October 21, 1921.
Richmond Planet: "Taken from Jail; Flogged" Richmond Planet article about the lynching in Pilot Point on October 21, 1921.
Bangor Daily News: "Negro Boys Taken from Jail and Flogged by K.K.K." Bangor Daily News article about the lynching in Pilot Point on October 21, 1921.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: "Negro Boys Flogged; 'We Did it,' says Note Signed 'K.K.K.'" St. Louis Post-Dispatch article about the lynching in Pilot Point on October 21, 1921.
Courier-Journal: "Mob Flogs 2 Negroes; K.K.K. Note Takes Blame" Courier-Journal (Louisville, KY) article about the lynching in Pilot Point on October 21, 1921.
Owensboro Messenger: "Two Negro Boys Whipped by Unidentified Men" Owensboro Messenger article about the lynching in Pilot Point on October 21, 1921.
News-Democrat: "K.K.K. Whip Two Negroes and Leave Warning" The News-Democrat (Paducah, KY) article on the lynching in Pilot Point on October 21, 1921.
Journal and Tribune: "Negro Boys Flogged" Journal and Tribune (Knoxville, TN) article about the lynching in Pilot Point on October 21, 1921.
Indianapolis Star: "Two Negro Boys Taken from Jail and Flogged" Indianapolis Star article about the lynching in Pilot Point on October 21, 1921.
Montpelier Evening Argus: "Negroes Flogged by Men who Sign Paper 'K.K.K.'" Montpelier Evening Argus article on the lynching in Pilot Point on October 21, 1921.
The Victoria Advocate: "K.K.K. Whipped 2 Negro Boys" Victoria Daily Advocate (Victoria, TX) article on the lynching in Pilot Point on October 21, 1921.
New York Times: "Flog Two Texas Negroes" New York Times article about the lynching in Pilot Point on October 21, 1921.
St. Louis Star and Times: "Two Negro Boys Taken from Jail and Whipped" St. Louis Star and Times article about the lynching in Pilot Point on October 21, 1921.
Kansas City Kansan: "Texas Mob Whips Boys" Kansas City Kansan article on the lynching in Pilot Point on October 21, 1921.
Enid Daily Eagle: "'K.K.K.' Takes 2 from Jail" Enid Daily Eagle article on the lynching in Pilot Point on October 21, 1921.
Kansas City Star: "'K.K.K.' Takes Two from Jail" Kansas City Star article on the lynching in Pilot Point on October 21, 1921.
Chattanooga Daily Times: "Negro Boys Flogged by Texas Ku-Kluxers" Chattanooga Daily Times article on the lynching in Pilot Point on October 21, 1921.
Austin American-Statesman: "Pilot Point Mob Takes Negroes from Jail; Lash Them" Austin American-Statesman article on the lynching in Pilot Point on October 21, 1921.
Washington Post: "Band Flogs Two Negro Boys" Washington Post article which briefly describes the lynching on October 21, 1921 in Pilot Point.