W.P. Huntley and C.C. Trimble expected to attend conference in Dallas (1896) W.P. Huntley and C.C. Trimble, who were both African American preachers in Pilot Point are expected to attend a state conference in Dallas for "colored citizens." Further specifics of the conference are unknown. Huntley and Trimble were prominent figures in the African American community in Pilot Point during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
Professor Trimble Reports Harassment A short article in The Pilot Point Post-Mirror Vol.9, No. 40, Ed. 1 Friday, October 30, 1896 in which Professor Trimble of the Pilot Point Colored School reports than some white boys have been abusing his students on their ways home.
City and Vicinity: C.C. Trimble and students, Pilot Point, TX (1896) C.C. Trimble, and African American pastor and teacher of Pilot Point is commended for his teaching skills by the Post-Mirror newspaper
City and Vicinity: C.C. Trimble teaching, Pilot Point, TX (1896) C.C. Trimble, an African American educator and pastor is commended for his teaching skills and leadership at the African American school in Pilot Point.
City and Vicinity: C.C. Trimble in Pilot Point, TX (1896) C.C. Trimble, a African American pastor and educator of Pilot Point is mentioned in a local newspaper.
The Post-Signal: Denton County Fair Association The Denton County Fair Association worked with Professor Trimble to create a "Colored People's Day"
"North Texas Colored Teachers Association" Sherman, TX (1906) The North Texas Colored Teachers Association is held in Sherman, TX, in 1906. Teachers across North Texas attend the meeting, including C.C. Trimble of Pilot Point. At the meeting, the members discussed training methods for teachers and if African American history should be taught at school.
"Colored Baptist Convention" Sherman, TX (1897) African Americans baptists of Pilot Point attend a Sunday School convention for the North Texas Region in Sherman, Texas, in 1897. C.C. Trimble, a pastor and teacher from Pilot Point attended the convention.