KXAS News Script: "Mansfield is Quiet After Demonstration"
- Title
- KXAS News Script: "Mansfield is Quiet After Demonstration"
- Description
- On the Morning of August 30th 1956 a mob of some 200-400 persons gathered outside Mansfield High school. Early that week Judge Joe Estes had issued a federal court order to desegregate Mansfield High School. Attorney for the school board J. A. Gooch flew to Houston to meet with the fifth circuit court of appeals in hopes of obtaining a stay order that would overrule Este’s order. On this day a second effigy was hung in protest on the flagpole outside the school. No Negros showed up this day to register.
- Subject
- Mansfield begins registration and a mob forms outside the school for the first time.
- Source
- KXAS News Script: "Mansfield is Quiet After Demonstration", UNT special collections, KXAS-TV/NBC-5, Fort Worth Tx.
- Publisher
- Date
- 1956-08-30
- Site pages
- The KXAS Collection
- Media