Winston Bruce

Winston Bruce has lived in Pilot Point for 68 years. His family moved there when he was 3 years old from Cooke County. He attended school in the Pilot Point area until the 8th grade and then was bused to Fred Moore High in Denton, and then graduated from Pilot Point High School in 1965. Bruce is an active member of the St. James Church, serving as a third generation deacon.

Bruce gives account of his life in Pilot Point from childhood to the present. He mentions details about church life as a child, that “if you was a kid, you were involved in sunday school, your parents almost insisted.” (3:11-3:25) Bruce also mentions a brief history of the St. James Community and states how school in Pilot Point “was the best days” of his life. (10:47) Towards the end of this interview, Bruce also confesses personal sentiments about the St. John’s Cemetery, and how further research of the cemetery would do everybody involved, the dead and the living, justice. 

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Winston Bruce, interviewed by Amanda Canady, April 12, 2018, University of North Texas Oral History Archive.