Yolanda Harris

Yolanda Harris was born in 1960. She has lived in Pilot Point since 1963. She started school at Pilot Point Elementary, and then graduated from Jarrell Sims High School in Pilot Point. Yolanda still resides in Pilot Point and is an active member of the St. James Church.

Yolanda Harris gives personal account of how growing up in Pilot Point was “very tight-knit and very family oriented, even if you weren’t family you were treated as family.” (3:16-3:27) She also gives narrative about church life as a child and how it was a heavy part of the community. Harris gives details about school days in Pilot Point to be “fun, but had problems when the catholic school closed” and further express why. In addition, she communicates personal feelings about the St. John’s cemetery clean up efforts and how it gives, “the people buried there a resting place.” 

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Yolanda Harris, interviewed by Amanda Canady, April 12, 2018, University of North Texas Oral History Archive.